Contract Research
LQM has a long track record of being at the forefront of contaminated land research and working with central, regional and local government, EC, industry bodies and NGOs to disseminate research outputs. We combine practical know how with the capability to create new tools, knowledge and understanding.
Notable research projects have included part or sole responsibility for:
- Ciria C733: "Asbestos in soil and made ground: a guide to understanding and managing risks", which can be purchased directly from Ciria
- A number of projects funded by the Scotland and Northern Ireland Forum for Environmental Research (SNIFFER) including:
- SNIFFER Report SR99(02)F: Framework for deriving numeric targets to minimise the adverse human health effects of long-term exposure to contaminants in soil.
- SNIFFER Project LQ01: Method for deriving site-specific human health assessment criteria for contaminants in soil.
- SNIFFER Project UKCC02: a review of the human-health responsibilities of environmental regulatory bodies, such as the Environment Agency and SEPA, in the UK.
- Environment Agency funded development of GasSim, in conjunction with Golder Associates; a software simulation of the fate of landfill gas arising from managed or unmanaged landfill sites
- Environment Agency Science Report P5-077/SR, in conjunction with English Heritage: "Guidance on Assessing the Risk Posed by Land Contamination and its Remediation on Archaeological Resource Management".
- Chartered Institute of Environmental Health (CIEH): development of the Professional Practice Note "Reviewing human health risk assessment reports invoking contaminant oral bioavailability measurements or estimates".
- Ciria C545: "Land contamination - management of financial risk", which can be purchased directly from Ciria
- Ciria RP640: "Non biological methods for assessment and remediation of contaminated land: case studies", which can be purchased directly from Ciria
- Ciria C575: "Biological methods for assessment and remediation of contaminated land: case studies", which can be purchased directly from Ciria
- Ciria RP961: "Guide to managing and understanding the risks of asbestos in soil and on brownfield sites", which is due for publication shortly
In addition, to this publicly-available research LQM has also been commissioned by several companies and organisations to conduct confidential research and many of our standard reports contain cutting edge concepts and information.