From the archives - The Lesson of Brian …. caveat emptor …
This is an edited version of a post from 18/01/2018
Whether you have been following the intricacies of rural life at Ambridge on the BBC series The Archers or not the concept of “caveat emptor” is an important one, especially for worried Brian who has just been interviewed under caution by the Environment Agency in connection with contamination of the (fictional) River Am being linked to the floating dead fish found by Kirsty on 14th January 2018
In real-life, a diesel leak in 2012 in Dorset at Christchurch hospital resulting in groundwater contamination has, this week, resulted in fines and costs of £180,000 to two sub-contractors, for offences under the Environmental Permitting (England and Wales) Regulations 2010
Thus the important lesson of understanding risks from land contamination has been highlighted in several places in the media recently and illustrates the need to do research on land being purchased and importance of environmental permitting regulations to prevent your site investigation or other contracting activities from affecting the local environment. Therefore, all those involved with land (including Brian) – owners, operators, contractors, insurers, lenders, consultants and regulators need to understand how land can become contaminated, the legislation surrounding it, and what to do if contamination is suspected.
2021 update - A more recent example of a pollution incident is Fish death in the River Pool, south London requiring remedial work from Thames Water